39-Vh Forti-B

xanar SKU: LNQ0319
suplemento natural hormonal para mujeres
suplemento natural hormonal de hombre a mujer
suplemento natural para favorecer la función sexual

39-Vh Forti-B

xanar SKU: LNQ0319
Regular price $29.95
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The 39-VH Forti-B natural supplement is an exclusive blend of plants with tonic, aphrodisiac, stimulating and nourishing properties that act as hormonal regulators for the nervous and sexual balance of men and women.

👉 Favors sexual function, increasing interest in it.

👉 Intervenes in the elaboration of sexual hormones, favoring fertility.

👉 Improves neural functioning, improves mental attitude and learning capacity.

👉 Increase muscle performance and the whole body in general.

👉 Prevents graying and provides good quality of hair and skin.

👉 Favors the proper functioning of the urogenital device, especially the prostate.

👉 Helps keep the nervous system healthy.

👉 Optimizes the assimilation and use of other vitamins.

👉 Provides energy.

👉 It has a tonic activity, decreases fatigue.

👉 Due to its quality, antitoxic is useful when there is prolonged and excessive alcohol consumption.

👉 Helps to obtain a better general health status.

Relax, take time to manage your stress. Work, daily worries, the ambition to develop professionally, etc., all these stressors alter sexual performance.

Avoid the consumption of alcoholic beverages, alcohol decreases the body's ability to produce testosterone. When the problem is associated with atherosclerosis (clogged blood vessels), a low-fat diet can help. Analyze if the problem is due to emotional factors such as depression. Take the 39-VH Forti-B formula.

OBSERVATIONS: It can be taken by both women and men. Pregnant or lactating women should consume it under medical prescription.

Vitamin B1 Strengthens the muscles and the nervous system; Vitamin B2 Invigorates the skin; Vitamin B3 Promotes circulation, helps the nervous system; Vitamin B5 Keeps skin, hair and nervous system healthy; Vitamin B6 Promotes blood formation; Folic Acid Combats weakness and fatigue; Zinc Important for the functioning of the prostate; Copper Prevents changes in hair color and texture; Damiana (Turnera diffusa) Hormonal regulator for sexual balance and nerviaso; Altalfa (Medicago sativa) Nutritious, hormonal balancing; Dandelion (Taraxacum officinale) Laxative, diuretic, anti-inflammatory; Avocado Leaves (Persea americana) Tonic, circulatory stimulant; Salvia (Salvia officinalis) Anti-allergic, tones the body, antibiotic, anti-tumor; Celery (Apium graveolens) Diuretic, febrifuge, sedative, rich in Vitamin E: Cocolmeca (Smilax cordifolia) Purifying; Nettle (Urtica dioica) Beneficial for prostate function; Salvadora (Solanum verbascifolium) Tonic, analgesic, relaxing; Sarsaparilla (Smilax aristolochiifolia) Aphrodisiac glandular tonic.

IN CAPSULES: Take one to two capsules after breakfast.

Customer Reviews

Based on 1 review
Maria Paez


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